Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well, here I said I was gonna try to keep up and I haven't even posted anything for 13 days! Oops!! So we will try again. We just got back home Monday night from visiting Melissa & Shawn (again). Yes, the second time in 6 weeks we have been to Iowa! But, if you think about it, it's only 3 times in 16 months. That makes it sound a little better. I would go every weekend if I could! This time though, we weren't alone. My mom and dad went along which made it even more fun!! Austin was a horrible, horrible car rider this time--there and back. Calleigh and Derek were pretty good though. We left on Thursday to head to thier house. We didn't even leave my house until 5:30pm. So....we didn't end up in Melissa's driveway until 1am. We actually made pretty good time on the way there. Now, on the way home, that's a whole different story. We left about 1:45pm and didn't get to my house until 11pm. Yeah.....over 9 hrs. We made 7 stops--4 for Calleigh to pee. I had her potty seat inbetween the front & middle of the van, so we just pulled over & set her down, and threw it in the weeds.  She got upset when we threw it out because it's supposed to go in the toilet!! Only my child!! So, needless to say, between the potty stops, and Austin crying, our trip home was definitely long!! But, it was all worth it and we had a great trip! It was great getting to see Melissa again (even after only a few weeks). We had lots of good food to eat and played some games. Derek beat us all at monopoly the night before we left and he also beat Shawn at some xbox game they were playing. We all had a good time. Too bad we had to come home. Hopefully, it won't be long until we get to see them again!! I sure hate that they are so far away. So today, I have lots of laundry to do--ugh.
I have also kept up with my running program. I repeated weeks 4, 5, and am now repeating week 6. Week 6 is pretty tough, but I did it once, so I can do it again!! I'm debating whether or not to run the 3k before the Steeleville parade. It's going to be super hot, but I think it would be a good ice breaker in my running. Like I said, I'm DEBATING......I don't have much longer to decide though!  I'm nervous and scared all at the same time! Well, guess I better be off to wash some clothes. Hope you have a good Wednesday!!


Melissa said...

I wish I lived closer too but then we wouldn't be able to plan "fun" stuff for your visits! I'm glad you came and I'm REALLY glad that I wasn't in the car with you on the way home... Miss you!

jfleenor said...

You mean stopping 7 times on the way home and taking 9 hrs & 15 mins doesn't sound like fun to you? haha