Sunday, May 6, 2012

Exciting Weekend

What a weekend it has been so far! I took Derek to Six Flags yesterday. We had a great time. Derek LOVED it!! Spending the day with him was lots of fun. We rode all the roller coasters except for Mr. Freeze. We stood in line for about 30 minutes and got to the top (where in 4 coasters it would have been our turn), then they announced they were shutting down the ride due to the impending weather coming in. Are you serious?? After waiting for over 30 minutes?? But when we got outside, it was lightning. So, I guess all in all it was a good thing. I really don't want to be 100 feet in the air on a roller coaster and get struck by lightning. Of course I don't want to get struck by lightning anywhere else either!! So after that, we finally left the park. Then we stopped in Chesterfield and paid a quick visit with a "secret couple" that we were super excited to see!! By the time we got back to mom and dad's it was almost 11:30. Such a long day!!
So today was another big day. Austin went to church for the first time. He did great!! Fought sleep as usual, but he did good! Today in church there was the installation of a new member. ME!!! That's right, I'm the newest member of the Cutler Reformed Presbyterian Church. I gave my testimony to the session at the end of March, but had to wait because Austin couldn't be around so many people during flu/RSV season. That season is "basically" over now. There are still a few cases of it going around during the summer, but it's over for the most part.  I'm so excited to be part of the church family again!! And I'm even more excited to be able to go to church on Sunday mornings again!!
So, I may once again not be blogging for a few days. My computer is going to get looked at AGAIN!! I think it would be much easier to just get a new one. But I really don't want to spend the money for one! If it would give me another year or so that would be great! Well, I hope everybody (my 3 followers--hahaha) had a great weekend like I did!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They should rename the roller coaster Mr. Freese.